
What is "Tobor" backwards?

Review of "Here comes Tobor" a 1957 TV show pilot about a boy and his droid.

24 minutes of fun, "Here comes Tobor" is an unseen classic.

Tobor is a robot who is controlled by a boy with mental powers.

They live in a military base, for some reason.

The boy's uncle is a computer genius in a wheelchair and a flat-cap.

So that's the setting, this is the plot.

An atomic submarine has been located. When 4 planes go to investigate, they get shot down.

The scientists decide to send Tobor in a missile to check it out.
Unfortunately, the boy gets locked inside the missile with the robot.

(This was the 1950s, before health and safety.)

The uncle seems a bit upside at the news that his nephew is expected dead, but seems to forget all about it.

Phew! Tobor has acted like a robot seat belt and the young lad is okay!

We won't reveal the rest, it involves robot malfunction and fights with pirates.


As it is US public domain, it is free to watch:

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