
New Site Discovered: Popcuts.com

Just found new website/business. Popcuts is an iTunes-ish site for downloading music. But the twist is that you get paid for buying tunes.

Confused? When you buy a song / album you get a cut of future sales of that song.

If you are one of the first people to buy a new album, you get a larger slice of the pie than the last minute Lukes.

So the first-in get rewarded. Seems a bit like how pyramid schemes work!

They even have a section for the top 10 pop pickers.

It is nice to get a little bit back, will it catch on as a business model?

1 comment:

  1. I'll tell you what. If you get in on the ground floor at www.shoddyradio.com you'll be awarded with an amazing award. Your award? A handsome reward. What kind of a reward? I don't know. But you might like our podcast. Not yet available in popcuts but you can find us in itunes under shoddy radio. If you get a chance to listen we'd love to hear what you think and if not your reward will be awarded to another, more worthy, award winner.
