
Interview with Dr Dennis M. Hope - the man who owns the Moon.

In this candid interview, Dr. Dennis M. Hope shares his future plans for the Moon. He reveals a problem with moon golf, names the first Lunar city, and shows you how to deal with high energy bills!

Dennis, thank you for sparing time for this interview.

You are best known for being the entrepreneur behind the product which allows people to own an acre of the Moon.

It is available to buy at many gift websites (such as, or your own website (

As the current landlord of the moon, you are perhaps in the best position to answer these 10 moon-based questions:

1. How much spare acreage is left on the Moon?

We have sold just over 543,000,000 acres. There is just under 945,000,000,000 acres on the Moon.

2. Where is the hottest real estate area on the moon? Where all the
Moon Celebrities will have their Condos.

We never share direct information with the general public with respect to where the property is that someone else owns.
All areas of the Moon are represented as equal in their respective areas. We do not believe that any one area is more spectacular than any other property.

3. What will happen when you have sold it all?

By that time we will have started building the first city on the Moon. The name of the city is "New Hope City."

We actually believe we will be on the Moon of Earth in late 2011 starting this project.

Actually I do not believe we will sell all of the property on the Moon of Earth during my lifetime. We are currently averaging on a daily basis approximately 1,500 acres per day, globally, with all the efforts of our 5 Ambassadors and our 28 reselling agents.

4. If it were possible, would you live on the Moon?

I think the reality of the harshness of the Moon of Earth would prohibit anyone from living on the Moon full time. I will visit and have a place there but I will only visit there and not live permanently

5. What is the best use for the moon? E.g. Prison colony, Exclusive
resort, Weapons testing.

In 2004, the Galactic Government put its constitution on line for our property owners to vote yes or no for ratification.

We had 3.7 million property owners at the time and we had a 99.9% in favor vote for ratification.

In that Constitution, there are no weapons allowed.
We think the Moon of Earth would be a great place to house the Galactic Government, Lunar Embassy, Lunar Business Systems, the first off planet banking center (not accessible to any Earth based government), and a wonderful pyramid city.

The entire pyramid for New Hope City will be 3 kilometers by 3 kilometers at the base and 3 kilometers in height.

There will be agriculture, livestock, retail, transportation, housing, restaurants, condos, luxury condos, theatres, recreation, and the headquarters for all Earth based governments as well as the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government.

We do have plans top build a prison on the back side of the Moon. This will be for the most heinous of human criminals.

6. Why hasn’t work started on building a moon-base yet?

Expense! NASA wants a $ Billion to do a soft lander on the Moon. Russia wants $43 million.

The Galactic Government has just created its own currency called the "Delta." We are the only modern government to back its currency with anything of value.

We have placed in the Galactic Government treasury $3 Quadrillion US dollars worth of helium3 reserves for the backing of our currency. We will use these funds to build the first city on the Moon.

7. What track is in the iPod when the tourist-rocket leaves Earth?
Maybe REM: Man on the Moon or something off Pink Floyd’s Dark Side
of the Moon

I am not sure what you are asking me and I truly do not know how to respond to this question, sorry.

8. Coolest Moon sport? e.g. the super-long drives of moon golf or the
high dunks of moon-basketball

In 1997 we sold a 1,777.58 acre parcel to a sports group out of Sweden who wanted to build the first golf course.

The problem with golf on the Moon is, if you have a club with a pitch higher than one degree you could place the ball into orbit. It was our request of the sports group that they build the first inside golf course and use the walls and ceiling to help with the game.

I am sure there will be other games played on the Moon, I am just not sure which of Earth's games are the best. Time will tell what works and what does not.

9. In TV shows set in space, everyone wears the same uniform. Who
would you get to design your moon-base’s outfits?

Since the ratification of the Constitution for the Galactic Government, we will open it up to our citizens to determine the type of uniform, or clothing that will be representative of the life style on the Moon

10. What future ideas do you have in the pipeline? I have a couple for
you: Selling an acre of land on the sun (“Hot Weather
Guaranteed”), Selling black holes (“Perfect for garbage disposal”).

All good ideas. Unfortunately my claim of ownership is for the Moon of Earth and the other eight planets and their moons.

Since I do not own the Sun (Virigilu Pop of the UK claimed ownership of the Sun in 1999. He then sent me a bill for $30 Million dollars for the energy put out by his property. I responded to him that we had conferred with our property owners and had decided not to use his energy, please turn it off... To date he has not) or any black holes it would not be legal to offer them at all.

We do have some projects in the works currently but we are not at liberty to discuss them here.


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