
Cool Trash Films


Here is a video I did a while ago. I showcase some brilliant movies that helped inspire the musical, and my previous film "Horror!"


Facebook Application

The Singing of the Cyborgs is now a Facebook application.

Search the applications for "Cyborg gifts" and you can send Artwork from Cyborgs to your friends, family, boss.

Lots more gifts to be added, more robot related.

It was very simple to build this type of Facebook application.

To make your own you will need to add the "Developer" Application.

It is an official Facebook program, and you feel like a fully qualified programmer when you get this!

Don't read though the instructions just yet (very complex). Install go and install the excellent "Application Builder" add-on from the applications screen.

This takes you through making your own program. Make sure you have lots of content to add. With this software you can build a Quiz, a Fan page, or a selection of Facebook gifts.

Great fun, and quick to implement.


Perfect Running Times - Analysing the Beatles

We are big fans of the Beatles. We can't wait until the new Beatles Rock Star comes out in September.

Which is the best Beatles album? This is greatly debated and of course is a matter of opinion.

Where we can bring in numbers is running length. The longest Beatles studio album is "The Beatles" (aka the white album). Although this is a double album, it clocks in at 93 minutes and 35 seconds. The shortest album is "A Hard Day's Night".

As you can see from the graph, there is not much difference in the album lengths (with the exception of the white album).

This may be explained by the limiting factor of the number of minutes that you can fit onto a vinyl record. However, these albums are still ranked as among the best in the world so these "ideal" running times are still valid.

Currently, our album is timed at around 36 minutes. This fits in with the majority of those early beatles records.

Comparing ourselves to the genius of Lennon/McCartney/Starr & Harrison? Very vain!


Merchandising, Merchandising, Merchandising.

Random spin-off merchandise appears throughout Mel Brook's comedy "Space Balls".

Space Balls(TM) - the toilet paper, Space Balls (TM) - the Duvet cover, Space Balls(TM) - the Flamethrower, all feature at some point.

The joke is a reference to Star Wars merchandising, already a gigantic industry at the film's release in 1987.

Merchandise is a good way for films and bands to get a bit more return on their investment.

For start up bands playing a gig, the venue owner will take the door money. The T Shirt sales are their main source of income (so support your local band and buy their stuff!).

Back to films, chances are that you have some spin off product lying in the attic.

What are some of the strangest products out there? An air horn for your car that plays the Star Trek theme, An E.T. finger light, or the High School Musical time-telling musical toothbrush.

With that build up, we are happy to announce our own 'merch' is available.

The most fitting is the stainless steel travel mug.

Perfect for a robot slave on the moon. If they ever got a coffee break!


50 Robot Websites

You love robots, we love robots.

Here are 50 websites dedicated to all sorts of robot-related revelry.

From Angelina Jolie to RatBots, there is plenty of good stuff here.


Making of the scifi musical “the Singing of the cyborgs”


E store of The singing of the cyborgs.


Trivia about The Terminator


Daft Punks robot movie, electroma


Communist robot shows videos of real robots reacting with humans


Queen's greatest song performed by old computer parts.


Robot band, the trons.


Scary robots in this daft punk video.


Bjork's robot music video


Robot fighting events.


Cyborg 2 details. Angelina Jolie's 2nd feature film.


Sick Robot Jokes


Remote control mini robots


Build your own robotic arm


The history of the robot voice. From Sparky to Kanye.


Futurama's hero robot, Bender. “Bite my shiny metal...


Robot makes sandwich


Yummy robot recommended cookery


Robots made from trash


OMG a fire-breathing robot takes Tokyo!


Podcast for news on robots


Find dexter's robot in this game from the cartoon network


Robot laboratory


Lego's revolutionary robotic kits


NASA's robot experiments


ASIMO, the walking human sized robot.


This site may look messy, but it is loaded with great stuff. Go explore.


Watch this space for news on a RoboCop remake.


RoboSapien, the cool robot that you just need the excuse to buy.


Realistic looking panda cub – it's a robot.


Arizona State University matches human needs to robot solutions.


The Times chooses it favourite 50 robots from the movies. My fave is no. 43


Probably the most intense film ever made. It tastes like caffeine!


Unidentified Flying Oddball. Great kids movie about one man and his robot twin. With a time machine.


Are Google robots overrunning the Earth?


Build a robot in this online game.


Collection of robot videos


Book about how to survive when the robots inevitable take over.


What time is it Mr Robot? It's Killing time.


Beautifully designed blog.


Your very own robot spy. Mwha ha ha


BigDog, an important step in robot stability (think of Ed209)


The robot vacuum cleaner. Also available are a robot lawnmower and gutter cleaner.


Details the first robot Birdwatcher.


Robots are playing poker right now. And beating you.


The first “robot”, the Turk played chess. It apparently played (and beat) Napoleon and Ben Franklin.


An internet classic. The best robot dancer ever.


The robot Olympics. Will they pass the drugs test?


Rat bots. Real rats are wired up to a remote control. Here Boy!


Plantinum Blue - Musical Goodness Analyser

Ever Heard of Platinum Blue?

It is a top musical industry secret. A computer program has discovered the secret to a hit song.

It has a database of all of the hits of the last 50 years. It analyses key parts of the song, and calculates the key area that make up the success of those songs.

New songs are loaded up, and matched against this "Classic Song" template.

It has a success rate of over 70%. This is exceptional when you consider the industry average hits-to-misses is only 10%.

For full details please read the New Yorker article. The article also covers a similar software for creating the perfect movie screenplay.

See how our track, DiscoTechology fared when analysed by the Platinum Blue software:



Exclusive Preview of Track 4

Track 4 of the Robot Musical. "DiscoTechnology".
After a hard 22 hours slaving away on the Moon base, the robot go dancing.

Click on link below to preview.


The Home Recording Studio

Even though this musical is largely voiced by robots, it was essential to capture quality, clear vocals.

Here are the steps you can follow to build a quick recording studio

Step 1: Be a Buddhist Monk
Make me one with everything. Sit, cross-legged in the middle of the room where you will be recording your vocals and just listen.

Close your eyes, relax deeply and focus entirely on the noises around you. Notice the mild buzzing of your fish tank lamp, the humming of the fridge and the muted barking of next-door’s dog creeping in through the half-open window.

Now SNAP OUT OF IT. These sounds may go unheard by the untrained ear, but you can be sure that the mic will grab them. Then every time you listen to your amazing lecture, you will notice that ticking clock.

Fix everything you heard in your trance – take the batteries out of the clocks, switch off the T V at the socket, move your hamster downstairs, shut the window and draw the curtains.

Great, now you are ready to set up the equipment.

Step 2: Make a Den

Okay, this is the step you have been waiting for. Not since you were 5 years old have you had the chance to build a den.

And when you have finished playing cowboys in the fort you can lay down some tracks.

This den is your sound proof booth. It can be quickly assembled and tidied away.

Make a frame about the size of a wardrobe. It can be smaller if you are prepared to sing / speak lying down or sitting down.

We made our frame using music stand, but any solid structure is good. Perhaps use some metal tubing or a couple of stepladders.

This structure needs to be strong enough to support the insulation. This can be made cheaply by using the drummer’s friend - duvets.

Stack enough duvets to encase your frame. Make the wigwam of sleep!

A really good product is the memory foam mattress. About 3 inches thick, these absorb sound like a young mind absorbs knowledge.

Poke through a microphone or two, and you are isolated in your own sound proof sarcophagus.

Step 3: The lovely assistant

Even if you are a starving artist, you need an assistant.

This person will not will be in charge of the computer / recording device. They will start and stop the recording.

This does not have to be a specialist – even the most complex software packages are easy to prep. Usually this is just pressing one key to start and again to finish.

This will allow you (the vocal talent) to truly focus on giving the performance of your career, every time.

The assistant can monitor the audio in real time – watching for loud pops/crackles. They can also offer general listener’s advice. Follow it.

Using these steps we were able to record, rerecord and rerecord all the vocals for the Singing of the Cyborgs – a robot musical.


Lyrics Pre-release

The Lyrics are done!

The worst part of writing is the rewriting. and rewriting. and rewriting.

It is also the most important part. Very few writers get it right first time.

The first draft of Star Wars was apparently very different to the space quest we all love. (One of its main characters was called Deak StarKiller!

So what made it writer, George Lucas so successful was not his skill at writing first drafts, but his persistence at rewriting and reshaping the script.

With the lyrics for Singing Cyborgs, we found the first choice fitted the tune, but was very bloated. It is a great idea to "turn off the inner critic" for this stage, just get em done, fix em later.

The next step was to replace weak words like "I really think", "I know this is true", "Something" with powerful clashing image words.

It was also helpful to sing the words out loud, to reduce tongue twisters / out of breathiness.

Step 3,4,5,6 is to repeat step 2!

Step 158 is to know when to stop. So the lyrics are ready.

Unfortunately there will not be enough room inside the CD album booklet to squeeze all of the lyrics into.

We have compiled the lyrics, together with a few exclusive extras into an ebook.

Click the button below to visit Lulu who are hosting it.

Support independent publishing: buy this e-book on Lulu.


You choose the girl's name

We are torn between a few names for the leading lady.

We need your help!

Please cast your vote on which of the following names would suit her the best. The most popular name will be used on all publicity, album information...and maybe in the spin-off movie.

Click Here to take survey

Many thanks.

By the way this survey is hosted by the excellent Survey Monkey.

The range of surveys that can be created here are staggering. Surveys are a great way to "SuperCrunch" various options to reveal the best.


Naming the Hero

Your hero needs a great name. Slightly unusual, and almost descriptive of his nature.

The hero in our musical is a young robot slave who dreams of freedom...and more.

We wanted every character in the musical to have different nationality names, to represent the different nations who would develop on the moon. has an interesting list of names, with their meanings.

We finally agreed on the name "Junichi". It is Japanese - the country where the coolest robots are made: Dancing Japanese Robots on youtube.

The literal meaning is "obedient one" (wishful thinking from the Japanese parents!).

This was an appropriate name for our robot slave, and becomes ironic when he leads a rebellion.


What's in a Name?

Our album is based around a concept. It tells a story, it is a musical.

Musicals have characters, and characters have names. A lot of successful pop songs mention names, like "Mandy" or "Maggie May".

What's the strongest name to choose? If you're writing a song about your evil ex-girlfriend, it is a good idea to not use her name in the song.

If she really is evil, she will sue you.

To avoid this you can get randomly generated names at

This brilliant site allows you to pick the nationality and gender of the name.

For example for a Norwegian boy it suggested "Magnus Walter". Very Viking!

Ha! now no-one will know who the song is really about.

However, random names do not allow you to express a deeper level of story within the name, a clue to the person's nature.

More on that, in the next blog.


In the beginning....

Making a Robot Musical.

We are currently recording an album for the greatest Sci-fi film never made.

The world's first/last robot musical!

Here is the concept artwork:

The great thing about making the artwork / poster before you start a big project (e.g. a film / script / website) is that it really drives you to the end.

With easily available paint / design software you can create your motivating poster easily and cheaply.

For free paint design software see or go 3D at